Cranston High School East
The Class of 1968

Cranston High School East, Park Avenue, Cranston, R.I. USA

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Music Used On This Page - "Children's Garden"

Memorable Teachers

Memorable Teachers Of Lawrence Michael Celani

Mr. McAulay Mr. McLean Miss Pullano
12th Grade English 11&12 Grade Drafting 7 & 8th Grade Music
I tried to pass off a bogus book report toward the later part of 12th grade. Of coarse he couldn't be fooled and although he gave me a passing grade for creativity, he expressed sadness that he failed to get through to me. Mr. McCaulay, I never learned to read correctly. I wasn't trying to be a smart ass. I am sorry. I wonder if he is alive to see this creation. You didn't fail me Mr. McAulay. You taught me a lot more than you cound have imagined. Thank You for your interest in my well being. In our senior year, we had to design our dream house. Mine was a massive thing with few windows, lots of rooms and lots of bathrooms. When he asked what the hell kind of a house it was, I told him a whore house. He did what he normally did and draped his handkerchief over his shoulder and said "baroom". He nicknamed me "Sweet Lelani". What was he getting at? You were ok Mr McLean! Miss Pullano was my 7th and 8th grade music teacher at Park view. I liked Miss Pullano, I mean I really liked Miss Pullano. She told me once I had a passion for music deep in my heart and told me not to let the problems at school make me forget. I never did, and for that bad day I had and you and I sat in the auditorium and listened to The Grand Canyon Suite, Thank You. You saved me that day. I owe you a lot Miss. Pullano.

Mr Leonard Mr Rondeau Mr. Bisbano
7-9th Grade Gym 8th Grade Guidance 8& 9th Grade Math
Gym and swimming where another boy and I got beaten usually twice per week. We were humiliated. I will never understand why you allowed it to happen. I am not angry with you, but maybe had you intervened on our behalf, things may have been different. I will remember you but I wish the reasons were different. We had many talks, and as difficult as the time in Park View was, you helped me understand what I wanted to achieve. I know I used to frustrate you at times, but it always seemed you knew me better that I did. You became a friend in a very scary place. The pat on the back and your assurance things would be ok is the reason I didn't give up. Thanks for your patience Mr. Rondeau I think as much as I did my best to make you proud of me, nothing irritated you more that using my fingers to count. Sorry, they didn't have calculators back then! But you tolerated me and even took me under your wing in AVA. Thank you for signing my yearbook. You wrote "Good luck to a bright young man". I know deep inside, you really meant that! Thank You Mr bisbano. You are one of a few fond memories from that hell hole known as Park View.

Created 7/06/2011